It was March 9th, 1963 when Walt Disney was at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Why? Watch this video all the way though to the end to hear the story. Thanks Stanley Foss for looking up this info and making such a great entertaining and informative video (Subscribe to his YouTube Channel when you get a chance)
Classic Disneyland rides were made and built in Silicon Valley. This is the story of Mountain View, CA based Arrow Development, and how they helped Walt Disney and his Imagineers create the iconic Disneyland Rides we know and love.

Great stuff. For more information on Arrow Development, check out this 2016 documentary I directed called “The Legacy of Arrow Development” which covers the fascinating history of a company that heavily influenced the theme park industry as we know it today. That full film can be watched at
For further information on the Disney visit to the Boardwalk, check out this full-interview shot for the documentary with Ted Whiting III, who personally served Disney a hamburger during his site visit: