First Friday with Calene Luczo at ARTISANS & agency
First Friday Event
We are please to be hosting Calene Luczo as our featured artist for the month of April. Her illustrations of sea life are captivating and rich with detail. Please join us on the First Friday of April to admire her work and meet the artist.
Calene Luczo is a professional freelance marine science illustrator. Her undergraduate career in marine biology, scientific SCUBA diving, and art propelled her toward completing a Graduate Certificate in Science Illustration from CSU Monterey Bay in 2012. Since then, she has done projects for organizations locally and globally, including The Point Lobos Foundation, Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District, WIRED science, the Environmental Protection Agency of Ireland, the Bay Foundation, Carnegie Institute of Science, Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, and the U.S. Navy. The goal of her artwork is to create a window for people to better see and understand the natural history of coastal species and ecosystems with the hope of inspiring marine and coastal terrestrial conservation efforts. A portion of the proceeds from her work are donated to ocean conservation organizations and programs.
Instagram: @luczoillustration
Facebook: Luczo Illustration and Design